
  • 2021年12月1日

    As the job market becomes more competitive, internships have become a valuable tool for both students and employers in New Zealand. An internship agreement is a legal document that outlines the responsibilities and expectations of an intern and their employer.

    Firstly, an internship agreement should outline the duration of the internship, as well as the days and hours the intern is expected to work. This information is important to ensure that both the intern and employer are clear on the time commitments required.

    The agreement should also specify the intern`s role and responsibilities within the company, including any tasks that are expected to be completed within a certain timeframe. This helps to ensure that the intern is able to learn and gain valuable experience relevant to their field of study.

    In addition, it is important for the internship agreement to cover the issue of payment. In New Zealand, many internships are unpaid, but it is important that this is clearly stated in the agreement. If the intern is to receive compensation, the agreement should specify the amount and frequency of payment.

    Another key aspect of the internship agreement is the issue of confidentiality. The agreement should outline the confidential nature of the work the intern will be doing and the responsibility they have to keep information about the company and its operations private.

    Finally, the agreement should include a termination clause. This outlines the circumstances under which the internship can be terminated by either party and specifies the notice period required before termination can take place.

    Overall, an internship agreement is an important document that provides clarity and structure to the intern-employer relationship. By outlining expectations, responsibilities and terms of engagement, the agreement ensures that both parties benefit from the experience.