
  • 2022年9月4日

    When it comes to renting out a property, one of the most important documents you need is the lease agreement. This document outlines the terms of the rental agreement, such as the rent amount, duration of tenancy, and any conditions or restrictions that must be followed. But, who exactly prepares the lease agreement? Let`s take a closer look.


    In most cases, landlords are the ones who prepare and provide the lease agreement to their tenants. They may create their own lease agreement or use a template provided by a legal expert. Landlords have a responsibility to ensure that the lease agreement is legally binding and doesn`t violate any laws. They must also ensure that the lease agreement isn`t biased or discriminatory towards any particular groups.

    Real Estate Agents

    If you`re working with a real estate agent to find a rental property, they may prepare the lease agreement on behalf of the landlord. Real estate agents are familiar with the legal requirements and can ensure that the lease agreement is in compliance with the law. They can also add clauses specific to the property or the landlord that may not be included in a standard template.


    Landlords or real estate agents may enlist the services of a lawyer to prepare a lease agreement. A lawyer can ensure that the lease agreement is legally binding and protects the rights of both the landlord and tenant. Lawyers may also be able to provide customized clauses that are specific to the rental property, such as pet policies or maintenance responsibilities.


    In some cases, tenants may draft their own lease agreement and present it to the landlord for review. However, this isn`t recommended as tenants may not be familiar with the legal requirements or may inadvertently leave out important information.

    Overall, landlords are typically responsible for preparing the lease agreement. However, real estate agents or lawyers may also be involved in the process. It`s important to ensure that the lease agreement is legally binding and protects the rights of both the landlord and tenant. If you`re unsure about the preparation of your lease agreement, it`s recommended to seek legal advice.