
  • 2023年7月28日

    Subject-verb agreement is an essential part of grammar that every student should master. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. In simpler terms, the verb must agree with the subject in terms of number. For instance, if the subject is singular, the verb must also be singular.

    For fourth-grade students, learning subject-verb agreement can be a bit challenging. However, with proper guidance and practice, they can master this important concept. This article will provide an exercise that can help fourth-graders to improve their understanding of subject-verb agreement.


    Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct verb in parenthesis.

    1. The _____ (boys/boy) _____ (play/plays) soccer in the field.

    2. The _____ (teacher/teachers) _____ (teach/teaches) math and science.

    3. The _____ (butterflies/butterfly) _____ (fly/flies) in the garden.

    4. The _____ (dog/dogs) _____ (bark/barks) at the mailman.

    5. The _____ (horses/horse) _____ (run/runs) in the pasture.

    6. The _____ (bird/birds) _____ (sing/sings) in the morning.

    7. The _____ (baby/babies) _____ (cry/cries) when they are hungry.

    8. The _____ (cat/cats) _____ (sleep/sleeps) on the couch.

    9. The _____ (students/student) _____ (study/studies) for their exams.

    10. The _____ (duck/ducks) _____ (swim/swims) in the pond.


    1. The boys play soccer in the field. (boys – plural, play – plural)

    2. The teachers teach math and science. (teachers – plural, teach – plural)

    3. The butterflies fly in the garden. (butterflies – plural, fly – plural)

    4. The dog barks at the mailman. (dog – singular, barks – singular)

    5. The horses run in the pasture. (horses – plural, run – plural)

    6. The birds sing in the morning. (birds – plural, sing – plural)

    7. The babies cry when they are hungry. (babies – plural, cry – plural)

    8. The cats sleep on the couch. (cats – plural, sleep – plural)

    9. The students study for their exams. (students – plural, study – plural)

    10. The ducks swim in the pond. (ducks – plural, swim – plural)


    Learning subject-verb agreement is crucial for students to express themselves clearly and effectively. The exercise provided above is a simple and effective way to help fourth-graders to understand and practice this important grammar concept. It is important to remember that mastery of this concept takes time and consistent practice. With dedication and effort, every student can improve their subject-verb agreement skills.